Azalea Japonica Pink

This Azalea Japonica is absolutely fantastic for providing a vibrant splash of colour to your tricky shady spots. Capable of creating a tranquil Japanese theme, they come available in many…

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Primula Denticulata White

This is a fantastic primula with large round flower heads made up of neat florets . Ideal for bog gardens and borders, it is beautiful and distinct and makes a…

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Lavender angustifolia Munstead

Munstead is a smart, compact, some would say dwarf form of English lavender that carries masses of deep purple-blue flowers, along with Hidcote, it is one of the finest varieties…

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Dicentra spectabilis

Lamprocapnos spectabilis Formerly known as Dicentra spectablilis, bleeding heart, Lamprocapnos spectabilis, is a Chinese plant bearing pink-red, heart-shaped flowers with white tips, which hang from arching flower stems in late…

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Primula Denticulata Lilac

This is a fantastic primula with large round flower heads made up of neat florets . Ideal for bog gardens and borders, it is beautiful and distinct and makes a…

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Levington John Innes No 2 10L

Levington with added John Innes No 2 Compost -10LApproved by the John Innes Manufacturer#s Association, Levington with John Innes No.2 is ideal for re-potting young plants. It has been specially developed, with a…

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Ficus el. Belize

Ficus Elastica Belize is a beautiful tree species that have million-dollar looks. It produces oval, glossy, leathery, green leaves flushed with pink and cream camouflage-style variegation. A fascinating focal point in your home,…

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