Cyclamen White

Cyclamen persicum – Cyclamen White Overview: Delicate yet striking, Cyclamen White brings a fresh, elegant touch to your garden or indoor displays. With its crisp white petals gracefully perched above…

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Cyclamen Wine Red Flamed

Cyclamen persicum – Wine Red Flamed Overview: A true winter gem, Cyclamen Wine Red Flamed brings a striking burst of colour to your home or garden with its rich wine-red…

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Rosemary Prostrate (in Hairy Pot)

Rosmarinus officinalis ‘Prostratus’ – Trailing Rosemary Overview:A fragrant, cascading herb, Rosemary ‘Prostrate’ is a beautiful trailing variety of rosemary, perfect for spilling over walls, rock gardens, or container edges. With…

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Fittonia Pink Ruby Lime

This plant, with it's vibrant green and pink leaf variegation, is guaranteed to make you smile and add a small pop of colour to your home.   Fittonia is a genus of acanthus…

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Dianthus Pink Kisses

This perennial is semi-evergreen so it can lose some of its leaves in winter. In colder regions or more exposed gardens, it may lose them all, but then fresh new…

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Gaura Gambit Rose Bicolor

Gaura lindheimeri ‘Gambit Rose Bicolour’ is clump forming perennial. It has a pink and white flower which will stand out in your garden. Perfect for pots and borders and great…

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Agapanthus Africanus White

Botanical name: Agapanthus africanus 'Albus' Common name: African lily Family: Agapanthaceae Plant Type: Perennial, Evergreen Agapanthus are South African plants with strap-like leaves and showy flowers in shades of blue,…

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