Azalea Japonica ‘Red’ – Japanese Azalea
Overview: A stunning addition to any garden, Azalea Japonica Red bursts into life each spring with vivid red flowers that create a striking display. This compact, evergreen shrub is perfect…
Overview: A stunning addition to any garden, Azalea Japonica Red bursts into life each spring with vivid red flowers that create a striking display. This compact, evergreen shrub is perfect…
This elegant evergreen shrub has small, glossy grey-green leaves edged in creamy white. Insignificant purple flowers open in summer, but it’s a plant grown mainly for its lush foliage. An…
With it's glossy heart-shaped yellow and green leathery leaves the golden pothos makes the perfect addition to any shelf in your home or office. It can also be trained to grow…
BetterGrow Horticultural Grit medium-grade, uniform, lime free and washed. It is ideal to enhance drainage and open up the structure of compost or a repotting mix. It adds weight and…
A colourful compact bedding plant awash with small fragrant sky-blue flowers with white centres, like mini snapdragons. It flowers continuously for many weeks. Long-flowering seasonal colour that’s perfect for…
This is a mounding, slightly trailing colour-packed bedding plant covered with a mass of tiny deep-blue flowers on vibrant green foliage. A brilliant ‘spiller’ option for patio pots, hanging…
An award-winning everbearing strawberry with striking pink flowers, sweet bright red berries and strong growth. It’s a great strawberry for growing in the ground, or in pots, hanging baskets or…
A popular, reliable cordon variety that will produce plentiful trusses of tasty round, medium-sized red tomatoes. It’s a great tomato for growing outdoors in the veg patch, in a greenhouse…