Pittosporum tenuifolium ‘Silver Queen’

This elegant evergreen shrub has small, glossy grey-green leaves edged in creamy white. Insignificant purple flowers open in summer, but it’s a plant grown mainly for its lush foliage. An…

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Bettergrow Horticultural Grit

BetterGrow Horticultural Grit medium-grade, uniform, lime free and washed. It is ideal to enhance drainage and open up the structure of compost or a repotting mix. It adds weight and…

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Nemesia Blue

A colourful compact bedding plant awash with small fragrant sky-blue flowers with white centres, like mini snapdragons. It flowers continuously for many weeks.   Long-flowering seasonal colour that’s perfect for…

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Lobelia Trailing Midnight Blue

This is a mounding, slightly trailing colour-packed bedding plant covered with a mass of tiny deep-blue flowers on vibrant green foliage.   A brilliant ‘spiller’ option for patio pots, hanging…

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