Sansevieria Boncellensis


SKU: 25000000000001698 Category:


Sansevieria Boncellensis have smooth, patterned, light to dark green leaves.

Tough and rugged these architectural plants are perfect for a light or shady environment, making them the perfect versatile plant for a selection of spots. These are air-purifying and hard to kill.

Water / Feed: Avoid overwatering, this plant needs to dry out before being watered. During the colder months you can water every 2 – 3 months and one a month during summer.  

Pet / Child: Non toxic.

Temperature / Humidity: Thrives in a warmer climate between 15 – 30 degrees and high humidity.

Soil Type: Use a good quality well-draining cactus or succulent mix.

Light / Position: The ‘Starfish’ plant prefers warmer spots but is a versatile plant that can survive in full sun or shade.

Health Benefits: This houseplant is believed to help improve indoor air quality.

Growth / Spread: They are relatively slow growers but can reach a height of 20 cm.

Geographic Origins: Native to West Africa


Please note: the pot in the photograph is not supplied with the plant (which is sent out in a simple nursery pot). They do however make excellent potted plants and, if you wish to pot yours up, we do have a wide range of pots on our website to choose from.

Please note: images show how this plant may look at various stages of maturity. The size you choose may look different.