Acer Palmatum Bloodgood
Acer Bloodgood (Bloodgood Japanese Maple) Acer Palmatum Bloodgood. (Sold in 10Ltr Growers Pot)
This is one of the finest red/purple leaf Acer Trees, the wonderful rich colouration emerges in spring and is held right through the season until the attractive lobed leaves turn to hues of bright red and blood-crimson during the autumn. This is a larger upright variety that will eventually attain a height of 4 metres to make a truly spectacular small tree.
Like all Japanese Maples, Acer Bloodgood is at its best when grown in a sheltered spot in partial or dappled shade where the delicate filigree foliage will not be damaged by strong winds, late frosts, or searing direct sunlight. These beautiful little trees really do benefit from just a little TLC to get the very best from them. If this can be provided, then they will give a great deal of beauty and pleasure for many years to come.
Acer Bloodgood are ideal plants for growing in containers, these are slow growing and so will give many years pleasure and make a great focal point with their attractive foliage and long season of interest before they inevitably outgrow your chosen pot. Like all Japanese Maples, Acer Bloodgood also makes a fascinating bonsai subject. Bloodgood Japanese Maple trees are a great choice for Oriental themed gardens and their colour and form also lends them for planting near water. They can also look very effective when incorporated into a more contemporary, modern garden design. Wherever you choose to plant an Acer Bloodgood tree, it will certainly make for a spectacular talking point.
Acer Palmatum Bloodgood trees are best grown in neutral or acidic soil and always with good drainage. If your soil is heavy it can often be improved by adding plenty of organic matter and perhaps some horticultural grit, well mixed with the existing soil. Unsuitable soil may also be overcome by growing them in pots, ericaceous compost is ideal although you might like to add some good quality loam bases compost for better water retention during dry weather and to give the compost a little more body. Do be sure to add some ‘crocks’ (broken tiles or similar) at the bottom of the pot before filling it to guarantee effective winter drainage.
Our Bloodgood Japanese Maples are low maintenance plants and would need little maintenance once established. Pruning is not normally necessary except perhaps to remove congested or diseased branches which should be undertaken in winter or early spring before the new leaves emerge. These handsome little trees rarely suffer from pests and diseases.
Our Acer Bloodgood trees are supplied as pot grown specimens meaning they may be planted successfully at any time of year as there is no root disturbance. When planting young Bloodgood Maples we always recommend adding rootgrow to give them the very best start.