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- Supersweet variety
- Delicious sweet juicy kernels
- 3-5 cobs per plant
- Ready to harvest in late summer and early autumn
Supplied in 9cm Growers Pot
Sweetcorn ‘Moonshine’ comes consistently top in taste tests, producing cobs packed with super-sweet, juicy golden-yellow kernels. It’s delicious steamed, cooked on a barbeque or even eaten raw! Sweetcorn ‘Moonshine’ grows well in the UK climate, with each plant producing 3-5 cobs, ready to harvest in late summer and early autumn.
Can’t plant straight away?
If you aren’t able to plant your seedlings out straight away then ensure they stay moist. You can place your pots on a saucer or tray of shallow water so they are able to stay hydrated. Aim to have your plants planted within 3 days.
Planting tips and hints:
Planting in containers: Sprinkle a layer of stone or gravel in the bottom of the container to aid drainage. Use a high-quality young plant or general-purpose compost space the plugs evenly with enough space to allow the plants to grow. Mix in a slow-release granular fertiliser in the compost before planting to provide plenty of nutrients. Water thoroughly once planted up. Continue to water every 3-5 days and don’t allow the container to dry out.
Planting in the ground: Dig a hole approximately twice as deep and 3 times as wide as the plant, if your soil is heavy mix in general-purpose compost, horticultural sand and stone or potting grit to ensure good drainage. Gently compact the soil around the plant and water thoroughly.
Feeding and aftercare: Plant in blocks in a sunny sheltered spot. Space the plants 35cm apart with 60cm between rows. Feed and water regularly. When cobs are ripe, the tassels turn brown and the juice in the kernel will be a milky colour.