Houseplant sizes explained
The size of your houseplant is the diameter of the grow pot rim x the total height of pot and plant. It’s an approximate measurement that helps you to buy the plants best suited to your space.
Choosing a decorative pot
You may want to pop your grow pot in a decorative pot or cache pot. As well as making it look fabulous, this will catch any water that escapes from the drainage holes of the grow pot.
To buy the correct size, compare the diameter of your grow pot rim (see ‘Houseplant sizes explained’, above) to that of the decorative pot. One should slot neatly inside the other. There should be 1-3cm difference in diameter; the larger the grow pot, the less this difference will matter.
The height of your grow pot is usually slightly smaller or the same as the diameter. Check that your decorative pot is tall enough to hide your grow pot. A decorative pot that is unusually tapered towards the base can be a little tricky – you might need to add a layer of pebbles so that your grow pot can sit squarely.
Round pots
When buying a rounded decorative pot, take note of its external diameter at the widest point, as well as the width of the opening. We include this so you can find your pot a suitable spot at home.
Tall pots
Pack the base of the pot with polystyrene packing foam or anything else that’s lightweight and waterproof, then sit your grow pot on top. As well as saving on compost, this stops the water simply draining to the bottom of the grow pot beyond the plant’s roots.
Other shapes
If you’re buying a square, rectangular or oval planter, we include external dimensions, as well as internal (the opening at the top). Bear these in mind for popping planters on window sills or filling with a mixture of plants.
Planting in a liner
Instead of sitting your grow pot inside a decorative pot, you can plant it directly in the decorative pot. Not all are waterproof, however, so to avoid spoiling table tops and window sills, you’ll need to use a flexible waterproof liner.
We stock these in a range of sizes to fit different internal decorative pot dimensions; they can be trimmed down at the top too. They’re also a good idea in unusually shaped decorative pots, like tapered ones (see ‘Height’, above).
For a professional look and excellent drainage, you could use a pot liner set on a layer of hydro granules covering the base of your decorative pot. With this set-up, your plant will draw water from the granules via capillary action, as and when it needs it.