Watering Tips for Summer Months

With temperatures warming up and the holiday season in full swing, this can be a recipe for shrivelled plants. Our garden experts share their watering tips and planting suggestions to ensure your pots and borders thrive – whether they’re in a sunny spot, you’re planning to be away or you would simply prefer some low-maintenance gardening.


Perfect pots

Potted plants require more water in hot weather – place saucers underneath to conserve moisture and increase humidity. We suggest to water about 10% of the pot’s volume at the base (e.g., 1 litre for a 10-litre pot) – just make sure to check pot weight between waterings.

And if you’re going away, move the pots to a shady spot, giving them a good drink before you go. Lastly, ask a friend or neighbour to check-in and water if needed.

Timing is everything

For optimal conservation, water your plants in the morning or evening to minimise evaporation. If you water in the day this will result in half the moisture going to waste.

Clever containers

You can choose containers smartly by going for ones that have built-in reservoirs. Window boxes and pots with inserts in the bottom are cleverly designed to retain water and soak it back into the soil. While more moisture can be retained in hanging baskets by inserting a small circle of bin liner before planting. This acts like a cup and stops all the water seeping through. Additionally, use container potting compost as this has higher water retention properties.

Charlie Harris

Hydration lock-in

Add organic matter or soil improver to your borders. This simple but effective step will help the soil’s water-holding capacity.

Efficient watering

Conserve water by installing water butts around your garden using rainwater from the house and shed roofs. If you are going away, investing in a timer for your garden hose is a game changer – this can be set to morning or evening for a fixed time resulting is much less water waste. For even more efficiency, consider using a soaker hose attached to your water butt while you are away.

Drought tolerant plants

These low-maintenance plants are perfect for frequent travellers, sunny garden spots and water conservation!

Here are some of the best:

  • Nepeta
  • Euphorbia
  • Sedum
  • Santolina
  • Artemisia
  • Nigella
  • Verbena
  • Cordyline
  • Choisya
  • Rhodanthemum

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