Choisya Ternata Brica
Choisya ternata Brica, or Golden Mexican Orange Blossom, is an attractive, medium-sized, bushy, free-flowering, evergreen shrub with highly decorative, glossy, lime-yellow, ternate leaves. The clusters of lovely, sweetly scented, star-shaped, creamy-white flowers emerge in spring or early summer, with a second flush in September and October. Golden Mexican Orange Blossom is very easy to grow. It thrives in moist, well-drained soils of almost any kind, in full sun or part shade. It has shallow roots so drainage is crucial for its successful growth. Low maintenance, requires very little pruning mostly to enable autumn flowering. It’s resilient to frost, but needs to be sheltered from harsh winds. Generally, disease-free, but may be damaged by pests. Choisya ternata Brica is a beautiful rounded shrub, perfect as a specimen plant, great for flower beds and borders, banks and slopes, and wall-side borders. Suitable for low screens and hedges, and for growing in containers.
- Common Name – Golden Mexican Orange Blossom
- Family – Rutaceae
- Type – evergreen shrub
- Pot Size – 5Ltr
- Height (cm)
- Native To – Mexico
- Flower – clusters of fragrant, star-shaped, creamy white flowers
Foliage –
highly decorative, glossy, lime-yellow, ternate leaves