Euphorbia Amygdaloides Purpurea


SKU: 3000000000000118 Category:


  • Position: partial shade

  • Soil:moist, well-drained garden soil

  • Rate of growth: fast-growing

  • Flowering period: April to June

  • Hardiness: fully hardy

    A compact, shade-loving euphorbia that has long-lasting, acid-yellow flowers in spring that contrast beautifully with the deep purple, strappy foliage strung in whorls around stiff stems. Try it towards the front of a border, where its foliage can be appreciated, or as a groundcover for a difficult, shady site, among spring-flowering bulbs such as narcissus. In a small garden it may need checking, since it self-seeds freely.

  • Garden care: In autumn cut back the faded flower stems, avoiding new ones on which next year’s flowers will appear. When working with spurges, always wear gloves since the milky sap is poisonous and a potential skin irritant. Remove unwanted seedlings each spring as part of routine border maintenance.

  • CAUTION toxic if eaten/skin & eye irritant