Digitalis purp. Alba


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Sold in a 14cm biodegradable coir pot

This perennial dies back to below ground level each year in autumn, then fresh new growth appears again in spring.

Position: partial shade
Soil: humus-rich soil
Rate of growth: average to fast
Flowering period: June to July
Hardiness: fully hardy

From early summer, elegant spires arise from the rosette of foliage, bearing white, tubular flowers that open from the base of the stem upwards. Ideal for adding height to a partially shaded border or woodland garden, these short-lived plants will self-seed freely in the right spot, but the resulting plants may produce purple flowers.

Garden care: Ensure that the soil is kept moist in summer. After flowering, cut back the flowered spikes to encourage more sideshoots. Cut down to the ground after flowering. Apply a generous 5-7cm (2-3in) mulch of well-rotted organic matter around the plant in early spring.

These plants are mainly biennial, although if happy they will produce plenty of new sideshoots and self-seed freely.

CAUTION toxic if eaten