Chilli Pepper Scotch Bonnet


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SKU: 5796 Category:


Mainly grown for it’s decorative, super-hot fruits (which have a rating of 350,000-400,000 on the Scoville Scale), ‘Scotch Bonnet’ will produce plenty of tam o’ shanter-shaped chilli peppers throughout the summer. These can be eaten when they’re green, pumpkin orange, or fiery red – although we’d always recommend wearing gloves when handling them. It’s a good one to grow if you like your food spicy, and if you save the seeds from the ripe chillies, you can plant them up for another crop the following year.

Supplied in 8.5cm growers pot

Position: Full Sun

Rate of Growth: Average

Soil: Moderately fertile, moist, well-drained soil

Hardiness: Frost tender

Eventual height 0.5m & spread 0.5m